National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 10 of 33 records found
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Former Court House, Post Office & Police Station

Cnr High Street & Cotham Road,, KEW VIC 3101 - Property No B5560

The earliest and finest complex of public buildings in the English "Queen Anne" manner in Victoria, the Kew Post Office Court House and Police Station were erected in 1887 to designs prepared in the Victorian Public Works Department by J H Harvey, under the supervision of G W Watson in December 1886. Classified: 18/09/1986 Revised: 03/08/1998



Former Court House & Police Station

2 Hamilton Street,, GISBORNE VIC 3437 - Property No B2086

Two storey rendered courthouse of 1858 with whipped slate roof and flanking lower wings originally incorporating the police station. Group includes brick stables and bluestone lock-up built at rear in 1861. Classified: 20/10/1977



Police Station (Former) Flemington

Mount Alexander Road, FLEMINGTON VIC 3031 - Property No B2872


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Former Police Station & Court House Complex

State Government Offices

Jennings Street,, KYNETON VIC 3444 - Property No B6041

The Complex: A police station and court house complex of State significance as evoking the changing styles in public works arhcitecture, from the gold-era conservative classicism, to the Italian infuence under William Wardell and the Queen Anne inspired red brick public architecture of later in the 19th century. Lockup. A bluestone lockup, built in 1861 to a design prepared by the Public Works Department under Chief Architect William Wardell, of State Significance for the ... more



Police Station

43 James Street,, NORTHCOTE VIC 3070 - Property No B5122

Built in 1891 to the design of Public Works Department architects JR Brown and WF Cazaly working under the supervision of HR Bastow, itis of local architectural and historical significance. The station is a notable example of the "Queen Anne" residences within the area. Built in a period of suburban expansion from the 1890s, it has been associated with many events in Northcote's history and with the history of the police force in Victoria. Located on a prominent position on Rucker's ... more



Kilmore Police Station - Group Classification

26 Powlett Street,, KILMORE VIC 3764 - Property No B4773

Classified: 04/09/1980 Part of Group Classification. See also B1092 Post Office, B0728 Court House.



Police Station

155 Royal Parade,, PARKVILLE VIC 3052 - Property No B4729

The Parkville Police Station was erected in 1878 by the Public Works Department (PWD). The single storey brick structure has a triple fronted facade comprising a timber verandah between projecting gabled wings. The exposed brick elevations are decorated with string courses and an impost course in contrasting brick. The arched windows of the principal rooms are grouped in pairs. The building has a slate roof and is set back from the street. Most police quarters erected in the ... more



Former Police Station

William Street,, COBRAM VIC 3644 - Property No B2246


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Police Station

34 Wellington Street,, FLEMINGTON VIC 3031 - Property No B4900


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Former Bluestone Police Station

Main Street,, MYRNIONG VIC 3341 - Property No B4288


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